Our Daddy!
Well everyone, I'll be honest; when I sat down today to start blogging, I really wasn't sure what I'd write. It's been an awesome time with the family here in Finland, and it is always crazy with all of the children here. But the time here has really been a blessing. Timothy David Pratt, my new nephew, inspired me today, and I want to write about that.
Timothy is an amazing little baby, healthy and strong. He is absolutely adorable, and everyone is quick to volunteer to hold him. And of course, like all babies, he has moments when he is happy, and he has moments when he is sad. Today I was holding him during one of his sad moments. He was crying and crying; his poor little face turned so red! The poor guy was making me feel so bad for him, listening to his little baby cries.
Several people offered to take a turn holding him, offered to help calm him down. However, I wasn't ready to give him up yet. I love being an uncle, and so I wanted to try my best to calm him down. It took patience and some time, but eventually he calmed down. He got so quiet; he even almost fell asleep a few times! Then he stirred, he cried for another minute or so, and then after changing position, he quieted down again. It is a recurring pattern that you can see with any baby.
I looked into his little eyes as they gently started closing. Little does this little guy know that he is living an amazing life right now. Everyone holds him, takes care of him, feeds him, and loves him. Right now he is safe and he's surrounded by love.
This is us! We are being held by a God that loves us, that is much bigger than we are and He won't drop us. He knows what we need, even though sometimes we feel like He doesn't. We cry and cry, and then God assures us that everything is okay and that He is in control. And then before too long, we start crying again, and God again is there to rescue us. God doesn't give up on us; He is the perfect parent, as He shows His patience with us every day. God is our daddy, who loves to make us smile.
So Timothy brought tears to my eyes today, looking at his little face, so young and so precious. Timothy reminded me today that even though I worry often about my future, or about what I have to do each week, God is in control and He won't give me anything I can't handle! God is our daddy, and He carries us everyday! You see, that is the thing...at the end of the day, I give Timothy back to his Mommy and Daddy, and I get to go home. But God holds us 24/7! He will never leave us or forsake us!
God bless you all,
~Alex R. Pratt
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